
Macaque's Selfie

Friday, August 8th, 2014

Nation, have you ever wondered how Wikipedia is able to obtain pictures for its articles without infringing on copyrights? Neither have I.

Wikipedia can only use images that are either in the public domain or are specifically licensed for free use by third parties, otherwise they are guilty of copyright infringement.

If you go to the wiki article of a famous person, let's pick one at random, how about Stephen Colbert, D.F.A.? You'll find that there are no pictures from my show, since screenshots of the Colbert Report are copyrighted by some guy named Via Com. I think he's Italian.

So Wikipedia has to get creative to obtain images.

One method is to wait for some moocher to ambush me with a camera. That's how those non-profit fat-cats obtained this photo of me and First Lady Michelle “I don't wear mom-jeans” Obama. This image was taken by the White House's official photographer, and therefore the picture is owned by the US Government. Since the Government is not a corporation, it cannot be a person like Mr. Via Com, and therefore it cannot hold a copyright and therefore the image is in the public domain.

Another method is to wait for users to upload and license their own images to Wikimedia. In such a communist utopia, fine people everywhere take time out of their busy lives to photograph and upload images so that all Wikipedia articles may have wonderful and free illustrations.

Just kidding, Wikimedia has been completely overwhelmed by user-submitted dick pics, and they would like you all to please stop.

It's hard to pin down an exact figure of the number of dick pics because Wikimedia uses sub-categories that can themselves contain further sub-categories. For example, under the category of “Human Penis,” there are 24 sub-categories such as “Human penis size by degree of rigidity,” which itself has four sub-categories. I'm guessing, those four are hard, soft, really soft, and Cheney.

Other sub-categories include “human penis facing left” and “human penis facing right,” which of course is needed to make sure that penis pictures remain Fair & Balanced, “Human Penis in Art,” which has a further 7 sub-categories, “Ultrasound Images of fetal penis,” which is not Child Pornography because it's difficult to be aroused by SONAR if you aren't a Dolphin, and “Sex Practices involving the penis,” which contains a further 8 sub-categories, one of which is “Male masturbation,” which itself contains a further 8 sub-categories, including “videos of male masturbation,” which itself contains another four sub-categories, one of which is “videos of male masturbation by posture,” which itself contains three sub-categories which are “Videos of recumbent males masturbating,” “Videos of sitting males masturbating,” and “Videos of standing males masturbating.”

Thanks to the generous giving from thousands of volunteers, now wikipedia editors have plenty of videos to choose from to illustrate how congress works. 

Wikimedia doesn't list the total number of images and videos in all the sub-categories of sub-categories, so you would have to pour through each sub-sub-sub-sub category to take an accurate dick census, and nobody has time for that. Except for Jay the Intern, who reported back that there are over 9000 dick pics and videos.

This bouquet of phalluses has led to protracted battles as users try to prop up their dick pics as the best. Some users go around nominating other dick pics for deletion while simultaneously inserting their dick pics into articles, fighting to make their penis the actual protypical penis pictured in the world's most used encyclopedia, making them a true modern Vitruvian Man.

While the penis war wages on, many other Wikipedia articles are lacking in the picture department.

Please don't sue me.
One such page is that of the “Crested Black Macaque,” which is unfortunately not a sub-sub-category of penis, it's a kind of monkey. Wikipedia uses this selfie that a Black Crested Macaque took after it stole, I mean, borrowed a photographer's camera in Indonesia.

The photograher, David Slater, claims that he owns the copyright to this image and requested that it be taken down. Wikimedia responded by sending him a picture of their black-crested macaque and balls, saying that he is not authorized to request the removal of the photo because he is not the photographer and therefore doesn't hold the copyright. According to Wikimedia, the image was taken by the Macaque, so only the Macaque can hold the copyright, and since a macaque is not a person, the image is therefore in the public domain.

And That brings us to tonight's Word.

Macaque Selfie

How can monkeys take selfies if they don't have a self? Or do they? 

What does it tell us about humans that the Macaque took selfies of its face instead of thousands of neatly categorized close-ups of its genitals?

That it's a female.

Slater claims the picture belongs to him because he engineered the shot saying “It was my artistry and idea to leave them to play with the camera and it was all in my eyesight. I knew the monkeys were likely to do this and I predicted it.”


Which is how I wrote my book I Am America and So Can You, by leaving my laptop open and predicting that my interns would write something in it.

Interns are non-persons and cannot hold copyrights. :(

Wikimedia countered that the person pressing the button is the photographer, regardless of who owns the camera. But Wikimedia might be opening up a huge barrel of angry monkeys with this argument.

The Precursor to the Legal Precedent of the Origin of the Inciting Incident of the Planet of the Apes.

If a monkey is capable of being a photographer, why then can't the monkey own the copyright on the image? And if monkeys can own copyrights, why can't they, I don't know, own people as slaves?

Many of us are already slaves to Macaques.

Slater claims that his career has been ruined and figures that he has lost around 10,000 pounds in royalties.

Which is equivalent to 160,000 ounces of Freedom.

There's a famous saying that a monkey at a typewriter, if given an infinite amount of time, would write the complete works of Shakespeare. Now we know that a monkey with a camera can ruin a photographer's career in about five minutes.

Monkey see, monkey do. Monkey take selfie, monkey become world famous photographer.

If your income is jeopardized by monkeys hitting buttons, then maybe you should have majored in something a little more useful than photography.

Monkey Business?

And if Macaques are capable of taking selfies, why didn't Anthony Weiner defend his dongle tweet by saying “I didn't take the picture, Macaque did?”

That picture is filed under “Human Penis – Concealed by Boxers – Penis Selfies – Career Ending”

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then if a Macaque named “Romeo” takes 885 selfies, he will have contributed more to society than Shakespeare.

Luckily, I happen to have a Macaque named Romeo in my pants, and I have been training him to take selfies.

Eww...Wherefore art thou Romeo?

I'm coming for you Shakespeare!

Not literally.

Nation, it's happening. Monkeys are contributing to Wikipedia. What's next, monkeys commenting on YouTube videos? That's absurd, it would quickly degenerate into a massive shit-flinging nightmare – (REALIZATION)

Now we know what those monkeys at typewriters have been doing while they were supposed to be writing plays.

Nation. If Monkeys are photographers who spend their days writing Youtube comments, then that can mean only one thing.

Macaques are college students?

Monkeys are unemployed free-loaders. Get a real job macaque! Your picture taking and internet arguing is being subsidized by my tax dollars.

Or it would if I paid taxes...

Well I won't be a monkey's uncle or his sugar daddy.

Mr. Obama: De-port Ma-caque.

Macaque just hangs out all day, checking out girls, getting in fights,

Sword Fights?

And taking selfies. Just ask Wikipedia if we need more macaque selfies.

Wikipedia: "Please God Make it Stop."

President “Mom Jeans” – Deport Macaque. And that's tonight's word. 

(This is part-two of the "I pretend I'm a writer for the Colbert Report" series. Part One.