This is Tip of the Hat, Wag of the
Tip of the hat to Representative
Tim Griffin of Arkansas. Only Two minutes after reports emerged of a
shooting outside the capitol, Griffin showed that he has what it
takes to be a congressional Republican. He didn't wait for all the
facts to come in, in fact, he didn't wait for any facts. He
took to twitter within two minutes of the first reports of gun shots
and tweeted the only fact he needed to know. It was president Obama's
Tweeting: "Stop the violent rhetoric President Obama, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.#disgusting.
Tweeting: "Stop the violent rhetoric President Obama, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.#disgusting.
You see folks, Representative Griffin
doesn't need to wait for facts because he has all the truthiness he
needs right in his guts.
Everyone remembers the Apostle Paul's
tweet in the bible from 30 seconds after he heard about Jesus's
“Some Jews just nailed up Jesus,
where are the Romans when you need 'em. #hang-in-there-jesus”
Wag of the finger goes to
Representative Tim Griffin of Arkansas for immediately deleting his
brave tweet and pretending like it didn't happen.

Seems Representative Griffin may have
wanted to hear some more facts before issuing his apology for saying
things before he knew enough facts.
It turns out that the incident was
caused by a woman suffering from mental illness trying to ram the White House gate. The woman was shot and killed by capitol police
despite the fact that she herself was unarmed and had a baby in the
car. Thus the only shots that were fired, were fired by police. So
Representative Griffin has bravely called the Capitol police
terrorists and put the blame squarely on them.
That might explain why he thinks they
shouldn't be paid.
Tip of the Hat to the unpaid
Vigilantes guarding the White house. I mean, sure they fired dozens
of shots at an unarmed woman who had a baby in her car, but what were
they supposed to do when a black woman tried to get into the White House?
Thanks for your service, unpaid
vigilantes. Or as I like to call them, good guys with guns.
Wag of the finger goes to Bill
O'Reilly. On Monday BillO went on my hated enemy's – I mean, dear
friend Jon Stewart's show. When Stewart asked BillO what he would
have done in Lybia, he answered:
“I would have sent a few exocets
over, bang.”
Now I'm all for indiscriminately
lobbing missiles into a war-torn part of the middle east, just like
Jesus would have done. But BillO said “Exocet.” I don't know if you guys are as big of
Falkland Island War Buffs as me, so let me tell you, the Exocet is a
FRENCH missile.
BillO didn't say he wanted to launch a bunch of American Tomahawks, or unleash Obama's terror drones, no, BillO said, launch a bunch of Exocets. What's wrong Bill? Are American missiles not good enough for you?
BillO didn't say he wanted to launch a bunch of American Tomahawks, or unleash Obama's terror drones, no, BillO said, launch a bunch of Exocets. What's wrong Bill? Are American missiles not good enough for you?
Tip of the Hat
to Bill Oreilly, for his bold plan of invading France, stealing their French missiles, cause they're not gonna use 'em, then finding those
missiles a good home in the middle east where they'll be appreciated.
Wag of the Finger
to Bill Maher. This week Maher said “Atheism is the new gay
marriage,” and that more and more atheists will be coming out of
the closet.
- I know Nation, I'm just as outraged.
these silly atheists haven't seen the holy light yet because they've
been hiding in a closet.
don't know what this means, the new gay marriage, what is that? Is
every atheist going to marry Richard Dawkins? The old gay marriage
was a concerted effort by liberals to ruin my marriage, but joke's on
them, I'm still happily married to a WOMAN.
Are Atheists going to try to make us all have Satanic weddings? Who's to say? Judging by the number of smug atheists on the internet, my guess is that atheists will be marrying themselves. I mean, if they won't even listen to Jesus, what are the odds they could listen to a woman?
Are Atheists going to try to make us all have Satanic weddings? Who's to say? Judging by the number of smug atheists on the internet, my guess is that atheists will be marrying themselves. I mean, if they won't even listen to Jesus, what are the odds they could listen to a woman?
finally, a Wag of the Finger,
to Bill O'Reilly. He's really tearing up the charts today, two Wags
and a Tip, usually you have to pay extra for that.
Bill O on his show:
like this: Your teenager comes to you, saying she wants to attend a
dance. You have some misgivings, but you say okay because she’s so
passionate about the issue. Then
you learn a vicious
motorcycle gang may
well show up at the dance, so you change your mind based upon best
available evidence. And you protect your daughter from possible
danger. Obamacare is like that.”(Audience shock) – I know Nation, it's shocking just how insightful Bill can be.

But I have to give BillO a Tip of the Hat, making 4-4 on the day, with two tips and two wags, for his spot-on analogy. Obamacare is exactly like a vicious motorcycle gang.
Who hasn't had the experience of being surrounded on the highway by a motor cycle gang that intimidates you and then makes you buy health insurance?
They're like the mafia coming into your house and saying, “those are nice Kidneys you got there, it'd be a shame if anything happened to them. . .because you don't have health insurance and you would probably go bankrupt paying out of pocket. You should really do the sensible thing and pay some protection money to me, or one of the many fine health insurance providers listed on the new exchanges which allow you to easily compare before you buy.”
So vicious.
(This is Part One of the "I pretend I'm a writer for the Colbert Report. Here's Part Two and Part Three)